Foreign military attachés visit Azerbaijani Air Force Base

Foreign military attachés visit Azerbaijani Air Force Base
# 17 October 2017 14:18 (UTC +04:00)

Military attachés accredited to Azerbaijan visited the Air Force Base on October 17, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry told APA.

The visit took place in line with the annual plan signed by Azerbaijan’s Defense Minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov.

The military attachés representing 17 countries were presented a general briefing on the military unit of the Air Force, the history of its establishment. They viewed the conditions created at the airbase for military personnel, toured the soldiers' mess halls, barracks and study rooms. Having familiarized with the aviation assets available in service, the guests attended classes on the combat training of military personnel.

The military attachés then dined at the officers' canteen and expressed satisfaction with the created service and living conditions in the military unit, combat training and the level of training.

The attachés expressed their gratitude to the Defense Ministry’s leadership for organizing such a high-level and an interesting event.

