So-called "symbol of Armenian victory" tank that shot in Shusha by Albert Agarunov, delivered to Baku, placed in Military Trophy Park -PHOTO-VIDEO

So-called "symbol of Armenian victory" tank that shot in Shusha by Albert Agarunov, delivered to Baku, placed in Military Trophy Park -PHOTO -VIDEO
# 23 September 2023 13:06 (UTC +04:00)

The military tank, once the so-called "symbol of victory" of Armenians in the first Garabagh war, which shot by Azerbaijan's National Hero Albert Agarunov, has been delivered to Baku, APA reports.

The tank was placed in the Park of Military Trophies in Baku.

Currently, the exposition is being installed in the park for display. People are already visiting the Park to see the tank.

Note that, this tank was the first tank that tried to enter the city during the attack of the invader forces on Shusha.

Albert Agarunov, the National Hero of Azerbaijan shot down that number 442 tank.

This burnt tank, which was advancing towards Shusha, was restored and placed as a "monument" at the entrance of the city after the First Garabagh war.
