Baku rabbi Zamir Isayev, the initiator of the campaign against the demonization of Azerbaijan and the use of the Holocaust theme by rabbis in Europe and America, made a video appeal to the last Jews remaining in Yerevan, the cleric's appeal was broadcast on the Telegram channel, APA reports.
The appeal reads: "Recently, several Jews who live in Yerevan have contacted me and are under enormous pressure. They are threatened in connection with the initiative of the rabbis of Europe, America, and Israel, as well as Muslim countries, who opposed the use of Holocaust terminology by Armenian propaganda.
I have conveyed a request to stop the protest of rabbis around the world, which began after my video message. I can not do it. And I cannot help but be indignant when the memory of the Holocaust, the tragedy of our people, is used for its own political purposes by the Armenian leadership. I cannot convince other rabbis who share the same opinion that it is possible to allow the dead 6 million of our fellow tribesmen to be trivialized in this way.
I appeal to those few Jews who still live in Armenia to leave this country. After all, you cannot live in a country where you are threatened just because other Jews in other countries have a different opinion. If in Armenia they think that you are responsible for my words, if you have to answer for my words, leave this country!
If you are being forced to advocate the use of Holocaust memory for nefarious political purposes, get out of there!
Go to a country where a Jew will not be touched for the words of his fellow believer. Better yet, come to Azerbaijan, where Jews are treated like brothers!
Those who want can contact me through Facebook, and I publicly commit that you will be welcomed here, welcomed, given Azerbaijani citizenship, and, of course, ensure your safety. Even in Israel, they say that Azerbaijan is one of the safest places for Jews to live.
Don't wait until someone in Armenia decides to take out their hatred of you!
I know that individual Jews in Yerevan are already being pressured to come out in support of Armenia. But this will be like a declaration of love, but with a knife at the throat!”
On his personal Facebook page, Rabbi Isaev explained who exactly he is ready to help with settling in Azerbaijan: “If at least one of your parents is Jewish, you have a birth certificate issued before 1991, contact me, I will help you move to Azerbaijan."