Financial Markets Supervisory Authority to monitor taxpayers’ transactions

Financial Markets Supervisory Authority to monitor taxpayers’ transactions
# 30 December 2016 13:06 (UTC +04:00)

According to FIMSA, the measures to be taken by the Authority were discussed in order to provide transparency of operations and settlements among the participants of civil turnover, protection of consumers’ rights, as well as stimulate the replacement of cash settlements by cashless settlements and accelerate development of the banking system.

In order to fulfil the decree, all revenue and expenditure transactions, of which total amount exceeded AZN 15,000 on simplified taxpayers and AZN 30,000 on VAT payers, will be monitored in accordance with the Law on the Prevention of the Legalization of Criminally Obtained Funds or Other Property and the Financing of Terrorism.

According to the decision of the Board of Directors, all banks and national operator of postal communication will be informed about the fulfilment of requirements provided in the decree, as well as their employees will be trained about new accounting system.
