British ambassador: "Azerbaijan demonstrated leadership at the conference held in Glasgow"

the UK ambassador to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld

© APA | the UK ambassador to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld

# 02 November 2022 11:25 (UTC +04:00)

"Results of climate change are dangerous for Azerbaijan as well," said the UK ambassador to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld while delivering a speech at the conference "Sustainable Development Goals for Green Transformation in Azerbaijan", APA reports.

The Diplomat recalling the COP26 conference held last year in Glasgow said that 151 countries put forward their goals regarding emissions at this conference or renewed: "This year, Egypt will host the conference that this coincides with a very difficult period. After the pandemic, Russia's starting the invasion war in Ukraine seriously threatens energy and food security. It makes even more difficult the situation caused by the existing climate change. Azerbaijan joined the 11 commitments of COP26 at the conference held in Glasgow and demonstrated leadership and we appreciate this, and wait for more things from Azerbaijan in this direction".
