CMO Chairman: I was not allowed to visit Türkiye during Soviet period

Allahshukur Pashazadeh, the Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office

© APA | Allahshukur Pashazadeh, the Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office

# 20 October 2022 14:15 (UTC +04:00)

“Our peoples have been apart for years. Turkic states weren’t able to speak in their own language because of the Soviet government’s policy. I wasn’t allowed to visit Türkiye”, said Allahshukur Pashazadeh, the Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office, at the Shusha meeting of the Muslim religious leaders of the Organization of the Turkic States, APA reports.

“We swear on today’s signed statement that nobody can undermine this unity and brotherhood, separate us from one another. We are six people here, but more than 200 million Turks have our backs. Therefore, I express my gratitude to the heads of the Turkic States for accepting my offer, and we hold this meeting in saint Shusha city today. I request again: Let’s unite! Allah, Quran, and Turkis unite us. Today Christian world unites. Though they call Muslims a brother, they are trying to spread Christianity”, the Chairman of the CMO noted
