Al Jazeera broadcasts a reportage on Azerbaijan's liberated territories-VIDEO

Charles Stratford, Al Jazeera reporter

© APA | Charles Stratford, Al Jazeera reporter

# 20 September 2022 17:42 (UTC +04:00)

Al Jazeera TV channel broadcasted a reportage on the liberated territories, APA reports.

TV channel reporter Charles Stratford says that as a result of the war in 2020, the Azerbaijani Army ended the 30-year occupation.

The reporter also brings to the attention of the audience the problem of landmines in liberated areas.

The reportage stated that Azerbaijan spent billions of dollars to build infrastructure in these areas, and at the same time, new roads and tunnels were built.

"The newly built road called "Zafar Yolu" (Victory Road) takes us to Karabakh, to the city of Shusha. This city was also liberated two years ago during the war. Shusha, a very important cultural capital for Azerbaijan, is still in ruins. Renovation of the houses where scientists and artists once lived, as well as mosques, continues. However, residents have not yet returned to the city, there are only military personnel and construction workers," the reporter said.

The report also provided information about Azerbaijan's Khankendi city. It was noted that the so-called "republic" has not been recognized by any country in the world, and the largest city of Karabakh is Khankendi.

The reporter of Al Jazeera also spoke about the Lachin Corridor and touched on the activities of the Russian peacekeeping forces in the area.

The reportage also includes the views of Russia analyst David Kerans on Russia-Azerbaijani relations against the background of the clashes on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border.

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